Saturday, March 5, 2011

TNA Impact away from the Impact Zone

 Watching Impact this week was refreshing. What difference it made for them to be away from the Impact Zone. It was nice to watch Impact on the road this week. I'm telling you this show was like night and day compared to the shows that TNA does from the Impact Zone. It was nice to see it outside of the Impact Zone. TNA should of done this alot sooner though. The fans were hot for the show unlike the fans in the Impact Zone. The set looked great and was  much better then what the Impact Zone has. Seeing TNA on the road with a hot crowd and nice set up made them come off as bit more Major League to me. The show from that standpoint was great. What ruined the show was the booking like usual. To bad this show wasn't booked better. This show's booking was pretty bad. But I think I'll let that slide this week because they were away from the Impact Zone and that was great. When TNA makes there way back to the Impact Zone everything will go back to normal and I will go back to hating TNA's awful booking but for the moment im enjoying TNA outside of the Impact Zone.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sin Cara Vs Rey Mysterio?

                                                    Picture Credit: WWE

Is this a feud in the making? The new Mysterio (Sin Cara) Vs present day Rey Mysterio. I like the idea of this being a possible feud in the WWE. This is a feud that should have a long build though if WWE would go through with it. Question, does WWE go ahead with this feud and start it off the bat with Rey Mysterio or does WWE build Sin Cara up first. Personally I think the WWE should do a Sin Cara/Mysterio feud. I would enjoy the feud seeing as im a fan of highflyers.

Do these two men have any interaction with each other though? The best bet with Sin Cara would be to debut him on whatever show he debuts on fisrt. Have him do his thing on that show. Build him up for a while. Have him take over Mysterio's spot as the top High Flying Luchador in the company.

After a few months you have Sin Cara in Rey's spot as Top Babyface. Rey notices how popular Sin Cara has become and doesn't like it. He become jealous of Sin Cara. Mad that Sin Cara has stolen his fans away. Fans that he has worked so hard to get. You could have this tension between the two of them  build up for a few while. Having Mysterio become more heelish as weeks and months go by because of his jealousy towards Sin Cara.

After a few months you set up Mytserio as a heel and you set up Sin Cara as the new babyface. You have Mysterio calling him out week after week. You have Mysterio costing him matches, ect. You then have Rey  Mysterio start challenging him every week with Cara ignoring him. After weeks of this Cara finally accepts a match with Mysterio.

Sin Cara wins in his match against Rey Mysterio. Giving Sin Cara the instant credibility as the new top highflying Luchador in the company. WWE could build from that. It would be a nice start in my opinion.. This would seem like a nice way to set up a feud between Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio if WWE wanted to go this route.

ABC press release

CHRIS JERICHO -- A six-time WWE world champion, two- time New York Times best-selling author, lead singer of the rock band Fozzy and host of the ABC game show “Downfall,” Chris Jericho began wrestling at age 19 and is one of the most popular performers in wrestling history. In 2001 Chris was the first ever Undisputed Champion of the WWE, and he is the only performer to have held six different titles in the 44-year history of World Wrestling Entertainment. He became a New York Times best-selling author in 2007 with his autobiography, A Lion’s Tale: Around the World in Spandex, and is currently on the list again with his follow-up, Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Easy Steps, his second auto-biography. Chris’ rock band, Fozzy, has sold a quarter of a million CDs worldwide.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Rock Responds

                                             Picture credit  Dwayne Johnson's Site

The Rock Responds to Cena. The Rock responded to Cena about the remarks Cena made about him on Raw this past week by posting a photo of  himself stomping on  lots of John Cena's Merchandise. A Cena hat, a Cena wristband , and a Cena pendant.

Can't stand Cena

I really hate that PG Cena. I can't stand that Cena. I thought I would enjoy him going old school last Monday night. When he started rapping and dissing the Rock. I was wrong I didn't like it all. I guess the damage has been done with John Cena for me. This is coming from an ex fan of his from years ago before the PG era came and left as with what we have now. I guess im kind of ashamed that I ever liked him in the first place.

Cena's rapping promo couldn't live up to The Rock's hyped "Attuide Era" promo from two weeks ago in my mind. The Rock verbally owned Cena that night. End of story. No one owns Rock in that way he did with Cena two weeks ago. Cena tried his best but his best wasn't good enough. The Rock is the Rock and no one goes up against him. Not even WWE's top babyface.

Im sure if the Rock had never left the WWE for Hollywood he would currently have John Cena's top spot in the Company. The Rock will always be over with the fans no matter how long he is gone. I hope Rock comes back this Monday and lays it the Smackdown on John Cena's candy ass.

Short Smackdown Review Dusty and Cody Rhodes/The Corre/Vicky

                                                          Picture credit WWE

Cody and Dusty Rhodes, Father and son bonding at its best. This was a nice little setup from the Rhodes family. Everyone played there parts they had well. This setup was sold well by Dusty when he started to questioned Cody and his lack of goals latley.  Criticizing Cody's dashing gimmick. How the gimmick was causing him to lose focus of what really mattered. You felt Dusty was disappointed in Cody and Dusty sold it well. Maybe a little to well because you just knew that the double cross was coming after that performance from Dusty and Cody. It was very well executed. The turn comes.  Dusty turns on Rey when the end is near. Cody takes advantages of the turn and beats down Rey. Cody takes Rey's mask. I really enjoyed how this all played out.

The Corre and the Big show are not entertaining me at the moment. I hate to say that because im a fan of The Corre. I guess im just ready for this feud the end. The longer this feud plays out to me the more steam the Corre seems to lose. Wade and Bigshow's match on Friday night was bit boring to me. I didn't care for Bigshow dominating the Coree at the end of the match either. The more I see of the Corre the more I miss the old Wade Barrette lead Nexus.

Vicky leaves us after this week after her team's lost on Friday night and Edge's team won on Friday. Vickie is gone. Vickie is gone. Vickie is gone. Who can't help but repeat that over an over and not be in a better mood when they do so. Vickie is one of the most annoying figures to have graced the WWE in recent memory. Everything from her "excuse me" catchphrase to her new boyfriend of the month and everything in between has annoyed me at one point. So, to see her get fired by Teddy Long this Friday on Smackdown that left me smiling. I'm going to enjoy this for now. She will be back soon enough and by then I will have muted the TV again.