Sunday, February 27, 2011

Short Smackdown Review Dusty and Cody Rhodes/The Corre/Vicky

                                                          Picture credit WWE

Cody and Dusty Rhodes, Father and son bonding at its best. This was a nice little setup from the Rhodes family. Everyone played there parts they had well. This setup was sold well by Dusty when he started to questioned Cody and his lack of goals latley.  Criticizing Cody's dashing gimmick. How the gimmick was causing him to lose focus of what really mattered. You felt Dusty was disappointed in Cody and Dusty sold it well. Maybe a little to well because you just knew that the double cross was coming after that performance from Dusty and Cody. It was very well executed. The turn comes.  Dusty turns on Rey when the end is near. Cody takes advantages of the turn and beats down Rey. Cody takes Rey's mask. I really enjoyed how this all played out.

The Corre and the Big show are not entertaining me at the moment. I hate to say that because im a fan of The Corre. I guess im just ready for this feud the end. The longer this feud plays out to me the more steam the Corre seems to lose. Wade and Bigshow's match on Friday night was bit boring to me. I didn't care for Bigshow dominating the Coree at the end of the match either. The more I see of the Corre the more I miss the old Wade Barrette lead Nexus.

Vicky leaves us after this week after her team's lost on Friday night and Edge's team won on Friday. Vickie is gone. Vickie is gone. Vickie is gone. Who can't help but repeat that over an over and not be in a better mood when they do so. Vickie is one of the most annoying figures to have graced the WWE in recent memory. Everything from her "excuse me" catchphrase to her new boyfriend of the month and everything in between has annoyed me at one point. So, to see her get fired by Teddy Long this Friday on Smackdown that left me smiling. I'm going to enjoy this for now. She will be back soon enough and by then I will have muted the TV again.

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