Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can't stand Cena

I really hate that PG Cena. I can't stand that Cena. I thought I would enjoy him going old school last Monday night. When he started rapping and dissing the Rock. I was wrong I didn't like it all. I guess the damage has been done with John Cena for me. This is coming from an ex fan of his from years ago before the PG era came and left as with what we have now. I guess im kind of ashamed that I ever liked him in the first place.

Cena's rapping promo couldn't live up to The Rock's hyped "Attuide Era" promo from two weeks ago in my mind. The Rock verbally owned Cena that night. End of story. No one owns Rock in that way he did with Cena two weeks ago. Cena tried his best but his best wasn't good enough. The Rock is the Rock and no one goes up against him. Not even WWE's top babyface.

Im sure if the Rock had never left the WWE for Hollywood he would currently have John Cena's top spot in the Company. The Rock will always be over with the fans no matter how long he is gone. I hope Rock comes back this Monday and lays it the Smackdown on John Cena's candy ass.

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