Saturday, February 26, 2011

Was Stings 3.3.11 ripoff promo worth it?

                                                       Picture Credit: Unknown
Fan's outrage at TNA is very high at the moment. TNA wrestling's newest bait and switch tactic has not gone over well with the hard-core wrestling fans. The Hype for TNA's surprise didn't come off well when fans were greeted at the end of Impact to a 3.3.11 video for Sting. A rip-off of undertakers 2.21.11 video.

TNA sets its self up for stuff like this (the anger from fans) and should welcome it (the anger) when it happens. TNA had hyped up the ending of TNA for a week or more. It was an ending that was going leave fans talking the next morning but it was not. It was an ending that had you scratching your head. The ending left you wondering if you had just tuned into a WWE program. TNA's biggest surprise of the year for the end of the show was a hyped rip-off of undertakers 2.21.11 video.

It came off as unoriginal and not creative. This was not what you expected to see at the end of the night as you were watching Impact. It was in no certain way a big surprise that TNA had hyped this big surprise like this and then didn't deliver. If you follow @TNADixie on twitter then you know the hype is greater then the surprises from TNA.

TNA is trying to piggyback off WWE once again with there latest stunt. Let me explain. When the undertaker video came out a few weeks ago it looked as though it could have been videos for Sting and it had fans talking. Fans were talking because it would have been Sting The Icon in WWE for the first time. In time for WrestleMania season to roll around. Fans were marking out over a possible Sting/Undertaker feud in WWE. A Sting/Undertaker feud at Mania. It was one of the few last dream matches left in wrestling and the fans were marking over that possibility.

After TNA creative took notice of this they started there own campaign to bring Sting back to TNA. For Some reason they were thinking that they would be able to have the same effect of markdom from the fans for Stings return to TNA. I have no clue as to why TNA thought that Sting coming back to TNA would generate any sort of  buzz for them. Sting in TNA is Sting in TNA. Nothing more.  Sting is another Veteran in TNA that will not be used in a way that could help TNA grow as a company. That is the problem.

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