Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sin Cara Vs Rey Mysterio?

                                                    Picture Credit: WWE

Is this a feud in the making? The new Mysterio (Sin Cara) Vs present day Rey Mysterio. I like the idea of this being a possible feud in the WWE. This is a feud that should have a long build though if WWE would go through with it. Question, does WWE go ahead with this feud and start it off the bat with Rey Mysterio or does WWE build Sin Cara up first. Personally I think the WWE should do a Sin Cara/Mysterio feud. I would enjoy the feud seeing as im a fan of highflyers.

Do these two men have any interaction with each other though? The best bet with Sin Cara would be to debut him on whatever show he debuts on fisrt. Have him do his thing on that show. Build him up for a while. Have him take over Mysterio's spot as the top High Flying Luchador in the company.

After a few months you have Sin Cara in Rey's spot as Top Babyface. Rey notices how popular Sin Cara has become and doesn't like it. He become jealous of Sin Cara. Mad that Sin Cara has stolen his fans away. Fans that he has worked so hard to get. You could have this tension between the two of them  build up for a few while. Having Mysterio become more heelish as weeks and months go by because of his jealousy towards Sin Cara.

After a few months you set up Mytserio as a heel and you set up Sin Cara as the new babyface. You have Mysterio calling him out week after week. You have Mysterio costing him matches, ect. You then have Rey  Mysterio start challenging him every week with Cara ignoring him. After weeks of this Cara finally accepts a match with Mysterio.

Sin Cara wins in his match against Rey Mysterio. Giving Sin Cara the instant credibility as the new top highflying Luchador in the company. WWE could build from that. It would be a nice start in my opinion.. This would seem like a nice way to set up a feud between Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio if WWE wanted to go this route.

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