Saturday, March 5, 2011

TNA Impact away from the Impact Zone

 Watching Impact this week was refreshing. What difference it made for them to be away from the Impact Zone. It was nice to watch Impact on the road this week. I'm telling you this show was like night and day compared to the shows that TNA does from the Impact Zone. It was nice to see it outside of the Impact Zone. TNA should of done this alot sooner though. The fans were hot for the show unlike the fans in the Impact Zone. The set looked great and was  much better then what the Impact Zone has. Seeing TNA on the road with a hot crowd and nice set up made them come off as bit more Major League to me. The show from that standpoint was great. What ruined the show was the booking like usual. To bad this show wasn't booked better. This show's booking was pretty bad. But I think I'll let that slide this week because they were away from the Impact Zone and that was great. When TNA makes there way back to the Impact Zone everything will go back to normal and I will go back to hating TNA's awful booking but for the moment im enjoying TNA outside of the Impact Zone.

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